Leadership is a soft skill that needs to be well studied by both employees and people who have an organization or business. In practice, there are various kinds of leadership styles that you need to learn.
A good leader will be able to attract the attention of his subordinates so that they continue to follow the directions and instructions given. On the other hand, you can also make employees like the leadership style that you apply to them.
This is what will be able to create harmony in a team. As a result, the company's business will run well so that it gets appreciation from your boss.
To be a good leader, you can learn the styles that have been applied by people around you and influential figures in your life.
On the other hand, you can also learn the various leadership styles below so that you are able to carry out your duties properly.
Democratic Style
Democracy is something that is liked by subordinates or employees. How not, this system is very beneficial for employees because they have the right to vote on decisions that will be taken by superiors.
You can apply a democratic style well to make employees like your leadership style. Every time you want to make a decision, you have to ask employees for their opinion regarding the decision.
This is done so that employees feel involved in every decision you make. In the end, your employees or subordinates will believe in the leadership that was built while guiding them.
Gradually, the enthusiasm of the employees will emerge from the democratic style that you cultivate. Thus, it is possible to create a positive work environment between employees and superiors.
You can apply this style if you like things that are democratic without any coercion from one party.
Affiliate Style
Do you like chatting and building strong relationships with people around you? Trying to build their emotional side to be more open with each other?
The affiliate style can be the right option for you to learn how to lead a team. This style tends to involve approaching superiors and employees through chatter.
When you apply this style, you prefer to always pay attention to the conditions and emotions felt by employees or subordinates.
That way, they will feel close to you and will not hesitate to share all the problems they experience while working in the team.
This style is also suitable to be applied to mediate when there is a conflict that occurs in a team. Because, you will be a mediator to calm all parties in it.
Autocratic Style
This style tends to have an authoritarian system. In general, the autocratic style is not very suitable to be applied in today's era, where people want to have democratic leaders to listen to their opinions.
In other words, a leader who has this leadership style will say that subordinates must do what the leader says without democracy or interference from the subordinates.
It's no wonder that many people don't like leaders who seem authoritarian or do whatever they want.
However, you can apply this type of style in certain situations. For example, when you as a leader already have qualified knowledge regarding a project and are required to immediately make a decision as soon as possible.
Transactional Leadership Style
As the name suggests, the transactional leadership style prefers to make offers to its members.
When people have agreed to become members of the team, these members must agree to the leader's decision with various kinds of offers being made.
This type of style has the characteristics of liking to give gifts to employees who excel and provide sanctions for employees who violate the rules.
In addition, the transactional style tends to target achievement and is not too open to the creativity of its members.
Nevertheless, transactional leadership also always offers various directions and instructions to its members so that members feel comfortable being led by them.
Supportive Leadership Style
This leadership style is also often applied by leaders in the current era. This is because the supportive style tends to pay attention to the circumstances and needs of its members.
So, instead of just ordering his subordinates, he immediately intervened himself to be able to mingle with his team members.
In addition, the supportive style also often makes personal relationships with its members so as to create a close bond between the team.
Transformational Leadership Style
This type of style is arguably one of the most effective leadership styles individually.
How not, people with a transformational leadership style tend to have a good level of intelligence and high motivation.
In fact, they are also very passionate about building a company consistently and also motivating their members.
Laissez-faire style
This leadership style is the opposite of the autocratic style. This is because people with a laissez-faire style tend not to interfere too much with their members and have little oversight.
In other words, his team members can freely express opinions or act as they please.
Even though it sounds fun, this type of style can be dangerous for his team members. This is because members may lose their way and get lost so they don't develop the company's business optimally.
Those are 7 leadership styles that you can try to apply when you are in a company or organization.
Of the styles above, which direction do you think you are more inclined to? If you are still confused, all you have to do is match the leadership style above with your personality so that you feel comfortable when practicing it.
That way, you can find the right style to create a positive work environment between teams in a company or organization.