

Definition of GMS, Functions and Types that You Should Know
10 July 2024

The GMS is a crucial forum where share owners gather to make important decisions that will affect the future of the company.

In it, there are intense discussions about company policies, performance evaluations of leaders, and vital decisions such as structural changes.

In this article, let's discuss GMS in more depth, starting from its meaning, function, to types.

What is GMS?

A General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is an official meeting regularly held by a company and attended by the board of commissioners, directors and shareholders.

The GMS has special authority that is not owned by the board of commissioners or directors.

This is regulated in Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies.

To hold a GMS, the company must fulfill the following requirements:

  • The GMS must be invited by the Board of Directors or Board of Commissioners.
  • Notification to shareholders must be made no later than 30 days before the date of the GMS.
  • The GMS is only attended by legal shareholders.
  • Decisions are taken through deliberation to reach consensus. If this is not achieved, a decision is taken based on the majority vote.

GMS function

The GMS is a forum where shareholders have the opportunity to be directly involved in making important company decisions. GMS has a very important function for the company, namely:

1. Establish Company Policy

This meeting is a forum for shareholders to jointly formulate and review company policies for both the short and long term.

For example, whether the company will expand its business to new areas or whether it will launch new products.

These decisions are very important because they will affect the company's future growth and success.

2. Check the Company's Financial Health

One of the main agendas at the GMS is examining the company's financial reports.

Shareholders will look at whether the company made a profit, how much debt it has, and how money was used over the last year.

This is important to ensure that the company is well managed financially.

If there is a problem, shareholders can ask for an explanation and solution from company management.

3. Assess the performance of the Board of Commissioners and Directors

The GMS is also an opportunity for shareholders to evaluate the performance of company executives such as the board of commissioners and directors.

They will see whether the leaders have carried out their duties well and achieved the targets they have set or not.

If their performance is less than satisfactory, shareholders can decide to replace them with other people who are more competent.

4. Establish Dividend and Profit Sharing Policies

When a company makes profits, shareholders need to decide how those profits will be used.

At the GMS, they will discuss whether profits will be distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends or reinvested into the company for business development.

This decision must consider the company's short-term and long-term needs.

5. Amend the Company's Articles of Association

The GMS can change the basic rules that govern the company. These changes could be:

  • Merging a company with another company.
  • Separating a department from the company.
  • Disband the company.

This decision must be approved by the majority of shareholders.

The aim is to ensure that this major change is carried out with the support of many parties so that the company remains stable and has a clear direction.

6. Deciding on the Dissolution of the Company

The GMS can also decide on the dissolution of the company if the company experiences serious financial problems or cannot continue its operations.

This decision is usually taken if the company experiences serious financial problems or cannot continue operations.

Dissolution of the company is the final step and requires approval from shareholders.

Types of General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)

The GMS is an important forum where shareholders gather to make important decisions about the company's direction and policies.

Based on the time it is held, the GMS is divided into two types, namely the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) and the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS).

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS)

The AGMS is held at least once a year, no later than six months after the company's financial year ends.

The following are several important agenda items that are usually discussed at the AGMS:

  • Company annual report.
  • Company financial reports.
  • Dividend distribution.
  • Appointment and dismissal of members of the board of commissioners and directors.
  • Changes to the articles of association.
  • Merger, consolidation or separation of companies.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS)

The EGMS is held to discuss and decide on extraordinary or urgent matters that cannot be postponed until the next AGMS.

The following are some of the agendas that are usually discussed at the EGMS:

  • Changes to the articles of association.
  • Merger, consolidation or separation of companies.
  • Appointment or replacement of curator.
  • Postponement of debt payment obligations.
  • Filing a bankruptcy petition.
  • Termination of business activities.

General Meeting of Shareholders Mechanism

A GMS is an important meeting that is strictly regulated in accordance with the applicable regulations in the company's articles of association.

The following are the main stages in the mechanism for holding a GMS:

1. Summons to the GMS

The summons for the GMS must be made by notifying all shareholders no later than 30 days before the implementation date.

The invitation must state the time, place and agenda that will be discussed at the meeting.

This is done to ensure that all company stakeholders can manage their schedules and participate in important discussions.

2. Validity of the GMS

To be considered valid, the GMS must be attended by shareholders representing more than half of the total shares with voting rights of the company.

If the number of members is not met on the first day, the GMS can be continued on the next working day provided it is attended by shareholders representing more than 1/3 of the total number of shares with voting rights.

This is important to ensure that the decisions taken at the GMS reflect the will of the majority of shareholders.

3. Discussion of the GMS Agenda

The GMS agenda includes various strategic matters that influence the company's direction and policies.

Shareholders have the opportunity to discuss and decide on the company's annual report, financial reports, dividend distribution, appointment or dismissal of members of the board of commissioners and directors, as well as changes to the company's articles of association.

Decisions at the GMS are reached through deliberation to reach consensus. If there is no agreement, the final decision is taken by majority vote.

4. GMS Report

After the GMS is held, an official report will be prepared by the notary who was present at the meeting.

This report records the results of discussions, decisions taken, as well as voting results on each agenda item discussed.

The GMS report must be submitted to all shareholders no later than 30 days after the GMS is held. The aim is to ensure transparency and accountability of the company's decision-making process.

As explained above, the GMS is an important forum for shareholders to participate in monitoring and making strategic decisions for the company.

By following this clear and orderly mechanism, the GMS ensures that every decision taken is the result of a transparent and fair discussion in accordance with the interests of all shareholders.

Want to expand your knowledge in the business world? Register yourself in the corporate valuation program from prasmul-eli.

In this program, you will gain an in-depth understanding of company valuation and improve your strategic decisions in the financial sector.

Project Implementation Plan and 8 Ways to Make It
08 July 2024

An implementation plan will help your project run smoothly and according to plan. Whether for a marketing project or any other type, an implementation plan will help you document the process and progress of a project.

This plan should also be the first thing you create before the project gets underway. So, to help you prepare it properly, the following article will explain it in depth.

Understanding Implementation Plan

An implementation plan is a note and document that contains strategies, plans, scope of team work, project targets and objectives, detailed activities, and various team needs to carry out the project.

Quoted from TeamWork, this document is also often referred to as a strategic plan that ensures the project runs properly. The implementation plan will be the main reference and source of information for you and your team throughout the project.

Whenever there are questions regarding what should be done and who should do it, everything will be stated in the implementation plan.

If the project you are undertaking is still on a small scale, make sure there are these four components:

  • project targets
  • project timeline
  • team responsibilities and duties
  • assets used

Benefits of an Implementation Plan

An implementation plan can make your team have the same vision and understanding of the goals of a project.

Understand the following four important benefits.

Projects have clear direction and goals

Without a detailed and neat implementation plan, it will be difficult for you to know the progress and problems you are facing. Especially if the project is medium or large scale.

This plan will become the main benchmark and reference for your team. Every decision from a project will refer to the documents that have been created.

Streamline communication and collaboration

Of course, the implementation plan will not only be held by your team. Other teams, especially those collaborating with you, must know and take part in creating this plan.

This can also help each team member manage their expectations or expectations regarding project progress.

Increase team trust and responsibility

As mentioned above, in an implementation plan, it must be clear who is responsible and what the duties of each team member are.

This information will help you know who to contact for certain parts of the project. This division of tasks will make team members more independent and understand their role in project success.

All team members have the same goal

Related to the previous point, your team must know its role in the success of the project. That way, every individual involved in a project will have the same goals and mindset.

Agree on This Before Making an Implementation Plan

According to Nifty, there are several things your entire team must agree on before creating an implementation plan.

  1. The expected results in the project must be measurable
  2. agree on benchmarks for success
  3. what are the small wins and expected progress
  4. clear project timeline and according to capabilities
  5. the possibility of unexpected problems
  6. flexibility to change project targets and timelines

8 Ways to Create an Implementation Plan

The following are the steps and methods for creating an implementation plan:

List the teams and individuals involved

Not only who are the team members who will help you during the project, but also stakeholders or other teams in the company. Also make sure you build clear communication to avoid misunderstandings.

Don't forget to provide your team members with an understanding of who on the team roster and which individuals are involved.

Divide roles based on individual abilities and team needs

After all the people and teams involved have received information regarding the project, your next task is to divide their roles.

Of course, these roles and tasks must match your individual abilities and the needs of your team. Also explain in detail what your expectations are for each task and role.

Make a list of required equipment and assets

This list is often overlooked or is just additional information. However, if your project is large scale, of course from the start you and your team must know the equipment and assets needed.

This is to avoid disrupting the timeline and progress during the project.

Prepare a timeline, goals and project targets

You can discuss this with other teams. You can also involve team members to create more detailed estimates.

Prepare a list of KPIs that each team must achieve

After the timeline, goals, targets, people in charge and assets are formed, it's time to prepare success benchmarks or KPIs.

KPIs can help you and your company to measure the progress of the project and what improvements are needed later.

Describe the preparations, all activities, and expected results

Make sure you create a clear and detailed list of the entire project. You can divide each point by stage (preparation, project in progress, or end of project) and add details or subpoints for each stage.

Create duration and cost estimates for each activity

This section is a derivative of the timeline and KPIs. You should create duration estimates for each activity and project stage.

If this project has a budget, you must use it appropriately and include it in the implementation plan document.

Make a backup plan for unexpected events

Even if you and your team have agreed that there will be unexpected events, still make a backup plan.

This is to help you be better prepared and not delay the continuation of the project.

An implementation plan is a crucial document for both small, medium or large projects.

An implementation plan will ensure you know the progress, problems, and results of the project.

If you want to learn more about creating and implementing the right project implementation plan, join the prasmul-eli short training program!

You can learn directly from the experts! What are you waiting for, register and take the class by clicking here now!

Understanding Design Thinking and its Goals, Steps and Principles
04 July 2024

Have you ever felt confused when you wanted to solve a user-focused problem? Don't worry, there is an approach that can help you get out of this situation, it's called design thinking!

Design thinking is not just for graphic designers or architects, but can be used by anyone who wants to find creative solutions to any problem.

A study found that companies that consistently apply design thinking have up to 50% higher financial profits compared to their competitors who do not apply this approach.

So, what is design thinking?

Let's thoroughly examine the meaning of design thinking, principles, goals, and steps!

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a way to solve problems creatively and systematically. This process involves five phases, namely empathy (Empathize), definition (Define), ideation (Ideate), prototype (Prototype), and testing (Test).

Interestingly, this method was developed by academics and creative professionals from well-known institutions such as Stanford University, you know.

They realize that to truly solve problems, they cannot rely solely on logic alone. However, emotions and empathy also play an important role.

Research even proves that when you are empathetic, creativity can skyrocket!

Purpose of Design Thinking

Design thinking can bring many benefits to your team or organization, you know! Come on, see the explanation below:

  • Better understand what users really need.
  • Try new ideas gradually so that the risk of failure is smaller.
  • Think creatively and create completely new solutions.
  • This method allows you to quickly learn from mistakes so you can make improvements more quickly.
  • Design thinking also makes collaboration in teams better.

Steps to Design Thinking

Design thinking is a concept that provides creative and innovative solutions. This method is not just about solving problems, but also about feeling and understanding user needs in a more personal way.

In fact, according to research, teams that apply design thinking are better able to find innovative solutions that satisfy users.

So, what are the steps in design thinking? Here's the explanation!

1. Empathize

The first step in the design thinking process is empathy. That is, you try to understand the problem from the user's perspective.

You must be able to feel what users feel and understand their perspective better. Whether it's through interviews, observation, or research.

Why is this important to do?

Because this way, you can create solutions that suit their needs, rather than just relying on guesswork.

2. Define

The next step is to define (define). After collecting information, it's time for you to analyze it.

Formulate a clear and specific problem based on the data collected. This phase helps you stay focused on finding a solution.

3. Ideate

Ideation is the phase where you are free to imagine and bring out all the ideas that are in your head. There are no limits to ideas.

You can create as many ideas as you like, no matter how strange or brilliant they are. You can also hold brainstorming sessions to generate new and innovative ideas.

4. Prototype

After that, the fourth step is to create a prototype. Take some of your best ideas and create a prototype or initial model of the solution.

This prototype can be a physical model, digital mock-up, or even a simple sketch. The goal is to test the concept in real life and get feedback from users, before you spend a lot of time and resources developing it.

5. Test

Lastly, there is the testing phase step. This is the step where you test the prototype on users to see how effective it is in solving the problem.

By testing, you will get feedback from users. That way, you can use this information to refine and develop your solution further.

Principles of Design Thinking

Now let's discuss the basic principles of design thinking that can help you create creative and useful solutions for users. Some of these principles include:

Care about user experience

In design thinking, the most important thing is to understand user needs and feelings.

You have to listen to what they need and how they experience using your product or service. Remember, it is the user who is at the center of innovation, not the technology.


You also need to work closely with other teams, such as marketing and design teams. By working together, you can get fresh ideas that are useful for creating better solutions.

Generating Ideas and Solutions

Once you understand the problem, it's time to develop creative ideas. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and explore various possible ideas. Remember, the more ideas, the better!

Try and Fix

Design thinking is not only about generating ideas, but also about creating prototypes, testing them, and making improvements based on user feedback. This process may repeat itself until you find the right solution.

Actively Engage

The most important thing is that you must be actively involved in solving the problem. Rather than just speculating about user needs, you should interact directly with users and listen to what they need.

Ready to Face Obstacles

Remember, not everything will go smoothly at first. Failure is part of the process. You have to learn from mistakes and keep trying new things.


Good design must be able to adapt to future changes. You must be ready to change your product or service to remain relevant to user needs.


Successful products are simple and easy to use. You have to eliminate unnecessary things so that the product is easier for users to understand.

So, that's a complete explanation of design thinking! With this approach, you can find creative solutions to various problems you are facing.

If you are interested in learning more about design thinking and developing your skills in creating creative solutions, don't hesitate to join our training program!

We offer classes designed to help you understand design thinking concepts in more depth and apply them in practice.
Want to take the “Design Thinking for Business Innovation” class? Register here now!

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Online Assessment Center, a Paradox in the Digital Age
03 July 2024

prasmul-eli and Talentlytica, a start-up company that focuses on providing assessment technology services for human resource assessment purposes, held a webinar entitled "Improving Assessor Competence in the Digital Age with Online Assessment Center". The webinar thoroughly explores the position of the Assessment Center Assessor in the midst of the onslaught of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which can be said to "threaten" the position of the Assessors because AI itself can work faster in making a report or writing, when compared to even the most experienced Assessor. However, it turns out that in the Online Assessment center, the assessor still takes a very important role in the Assessment Center. AI can certainly play a big role in making the Assessment Center process more effective and efficient, but to completely replace the Assessors who have the wisdom and flexible cognition abilities like humans, is not possible for AI in most scenarios.

Here are some reasons why it is not possible for AI to create an Assessment Center report:

Complex Evaluation Methods:

Assessment Center assessors often evaluate not only the outcome of tasks, but also the process, interpersonal skills, decision-making, and other aspects of a candidate's behavior. AI, while capable of analyzing certain types of data and responses, may struggle to capture the complexity of interactions, discussions, expressions, gestures and the general context of human thought.

 Subjectivity and Context:

Assessment Center Assessors conduct assessments using analytical skills, real-world experience, intuition, and wisdom to assess situational context that is currently difficult for AI to accurately replicate. In addition, Assessors are able to read subtle cues, adapt evaluation criteria based on real-world observations, and provide holistic feedback that considers factors beyond quantitative calculations, including recognizing whether participants are using AI to respond within the Assessment Center.

 Ethical Considerations:

Using AI to make decisions in an Assessment Center process raises ethical issues related to bias, fairness, and transparency. Assessors who have been specifically trained in Assessment Centers are better equipped to deal with these ethical challenges, as they are already skilled and will ensure that assessments are fair and inclusive.

 Candidate Experience:

Candidates will often feel much more comfortable interacting with humans in an Assessment Center process, as it involves more emotion, including empathy, understanding, and personalized feedback. The Assessment Center Assessor can provide a personal touch that may be difficult for AI to replicate effectively.

 Assessment Center is indeed a process that is more dominated by humans, the use of technology including AI in it, will indeed be very helpful in the administrative process, but not in the end result. In the end, human expertise and technological advances such as AI will produce a unique combination of efficient and effective processes, if used properly.


Gardhika Waskita Pakqi
Resident Assessor of prasmul-eli

Careers and Women in Indonesia: Challenges and Progress
03 July 2024

David Altman, PhD, Chief Research and Innovation Officer at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), has noted, “The journey to elevate women is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategic necessity.”

The World Economic Forum reports that closing the gender gap will take 149 years in South Asia and 189 years in East Asia and the Pacific. Women remain underrepresented in top positions across both the private and public sectors. According to Fortune, women accounted for only 10.4% of Fortune 500 CEOs in 2023. It is clear that the lack of progress is not due to a lack of ambition among women.

Despite advancements in education and employment opportunities, women in Indonesia still face significant challenges in career development. The female labor force participation rate was around 53% in 2021, a figure that has seen little change over the past two decades. Many women are stuck in low-productivity and low-paying jobs, and the gender gap in labor force participation remains one of the largest in the country.

A significant number of women leave the workforce after marriage and childbirth. The difficulty of balancing childcare responsibilities with work obligations is a major obstacle to their productivity. The shortage of quality childcare services, lack of family support, and cultural values that prioritize women as primary caregivers force many women to leave their jobs.

Research conducted by CCL, in collaboration with Prasmul-eli, underscores the issue of women's leadership in the Asia Pacific region. The study, titled “Elevate The System: We do not need to change women — we need to change systems,” reveals that Indonesian women with families often handle most domestic responsibilities, leading to burnout and fatigue. The prioritization of family remains a significant barrier to women's career advancement.

For a detailed analysis, download the full report for free at the following link.

Gardhika Waskita Pakqi
Resident Assessor prasmul-eli

IGNITING CREATIVITY: Strategies For Sparking Business Innovation
03 July 2024

In fast-growing markets, the key to staying ahead often lies in innovation. The ability to generate breakthrough ideas can provide an edge over competitors, driving the growth and sustainability of a business. But how do businesses consistently generate innovative ideas? Here are some strategies, illustrated with real-world examples, to unlock creativity and encourage innovation in your organization.

1. Cultivate Curiosity

Innovation thrives in an environment where curiosity is encouraged. For example, Google's famous "20% time" policy allows employees to spend 20% of their work time on projects they care about, regardless of whether it fits their job description. This policy resulted in the creation of Gmail and Google News. By cultivating an employee mindset of being curious, employees are more likely to think "out-of-the box" and produce creative solutions.

2. Embrace Diverse Perspectives

Diverse teams bring different viewpoints and experiences, leading to more innovative ideas. Procter & Gamble (P&G) embraces diversity by creating cross-functional teams that include members from different departments and backgrounds. This approach resulted in the successful development of the Swiffer product, a product that revolutionized household cleaning. Encourage collaboration between departments and engage employees at all levels in brainstorming sessions to capture a broad spectrum of insights.

3. Leverage Data and Analytics

Data can be a powerful tool in identifying opportunities for innovation. Netflix uses advanced data analytics to understand audience preferences and predict what content will be popular. This data-driven approach helped Netflix transition from a DVD rental service to a leading streaming platform and content producer. Use data to inform your decision-making process and validate new ideas as they emerge.

4. Support an Open Innovation Ecosystem

Open innovation is innovation that involves utilizing external sources of ideas and technology. Lego, the world's leading children's toy brand, invites customers to submit their own designs via the Lego Ideas platform. Designs that are successfully turned into official Lego sets become profitable for both the company and its creators. Create channels for external collaboration and create mechanisms to integrate external innovation into your business model.

5. Invest in R&D and Continuous Learning

Research and development (R&D) is an important component of innovation strategy. Apple's continued investment in R&D has resulted in innovative products such as the iPhone and Apple Watch. Additionally, providing ongoing learning opportunities for your employees can keep them updated on the latest industry advances and inspire new ideas. Encourage experimentation and allocate resources to R&D projects.

6. Encourage Risk Taking and Accept Failure

Innovation often involves taking risks and stepping into the unknown. Amazon's "Fail Fast" culture encourages employees to take risks and learn from failure quickly. This approach resulted in the creation of Amazon Web Services (AWS), a highly successful and profitable segment of the company. Create a safe environment where employees feel comfortable taking calculated risks and experimenting with new ideas.

7. Involve Customers

Customers are a valuable source of inspiration for innovation. Starbucks regularly engages customers through its “My Starbucks Idea” platform, where customers can submit suggestions for new products and customer-centric improvements. This input has resulted in popular offerings like the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Engaging customers through surveys, interviews, and social media is effective for understanding their needs and preferences.

8. Use Design Thinking

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that focuses on understanding users and creating human-centered solutions. MAKNA CREATIVE, a renowned design company, uses design thinking to develop innovative products and services for clients in various industries. By applying design thinking principles, businesses can develop customized solutions to meet their customers' needs.

9. Stay Active and Adaptive

The ever-changing business landscape means innovation requires the ability to adapt quickly. Spotify uses agile methodology to iterate its products quickly and respond to user feedback. This flexibility allows Spotify to stay ahead in the competitive music streaming industry. Applying agile methodology to enable rapid iteration and responsiveness to market changes is effective to have an advantage in market competition.

10. Create an Innovation Laboratory

Innovation labs are special spaces where employees can experiment with new ideas. This sandbox environment allows testing new concepts before scaling them up. Create an innovation lab to encourage experimentation and creativity.


Finding innovative ideas in business is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. By creating an environment that encourages creativity, embraces diversity, leverages data, and promotes collaboration, businesses can consistently generate breakthrough ideas. Remember, innovation is about exploring the unknown and taking bold steps to create value in new ways. By adopting these strategies and learning from real-world examples, your business can stay ahead and drive long-term success.


Fanny Sekar Parentya
Business Development Executive of prasmul-eli

Rational Thinking: Definition, Benefits, Characteristics, and How to Develop It
02 July 2024

Rational thinking is a way of thinking using reasons and norms in making decisions or acting. Someone who thinks rationally is usually referred to as someone who uses logic and facts, without involving interests or feelings.

In this article we will discuss in depth the various aspects of rational thinking, from the benefits to how to develop it.

Understanding Rational Thinking

Rational thinking is the ability to process and understand a topic with facts, logic, and data. The goal is one, to produce the most reasonable reasons or solutions.

In the rational thinking process, says Higher Education Digest, a person will focus on solving problems and how to achieve opportunities.

Rational thinking can be honed and developed in everyday life, both personal and professional. The ability to think rationally is also supported by a variety of other abilities, such as developing perspectives, matching facts, and conveying ideas/opinions.

Benefits of Rational Thinking

Rational thinking is believed to be the most effective way to make a decision. Therefore, check out the various benefits below:

Sharpen analytical skills

By thinking rationally, your analytical skills will also be honed because you continue to process information and facts.

Opinions expressed well

The opinions formed will be neater and more reasonable, because they are based on facts, analysis and data support.

Increase brain and emotional intelligence

Because during rational thinking your brain will be "pushed" to work harder and empathy is also used in formulating final decisions.

Increase self-confidence

Confidence arises when you can express opinions that are based on facts and solve complex problems. This ability can also be your capital in looking for a new job.

Characteristics of Someone Who Thinks Rationally

According to Lectera, here are some characteristics of people who think rationally:

Thinking about the future

In solving problems and making decisions, someone who thinks rationally will consider the future. They will not be trapped by past problems or burdens and focus on planning for the future.

Consider the consequences

Related to the previous point, when thinking about the future, people who think rationally will consider the consequences of a problem and decision. Usually they already have a "prediction" of what might happen. From there they will make the best decision.

Understand the reasons or causes

Before making a decision, usually people who think rationally will understand the reasons or causes of a problem. They will ask various questions to determine the truth and use them as facts to form decisions or answers.

Able to control emotions

Someone who thinks rationally certainly still has feelings or emotions, but these can be processed and regulated appropriately. They may seem unemotional, but actually they are able to map out what feelings are worth expressing or not.

Always learn new things

In the process of rational thinking, they will hear many new things. From there, new things will be learned, not only as a basis for making decisions, but also new values ​​or norms of life.

Organized and neat

Someone who thinks rationally needs a neat plan. This will have an impact on daily life, for example being able to organize daily work schedules and arrange work and rest times appropriately.

Accept criticism and input

Lastly, criticism and suggestions have become their daily bread. Someone who has the ability to think rationally will be a reference when making decisions. During the process of learning new things, they also definitely don't forget correction and criticism. Both of these things will be well received and become new learning.

How to Develop Rational Thinking Skills

To develop rational thinking skills, you can start from the small things around you. Some ways are:

Putting together puzzles and riddles

Start with a relaxing activity on the weekend, namely playing games. We suggest putting together a puzzle or answering a riddle. Another thing to try is playing games where you have to solve mysteries.

Always analyze the information received

This means that you cannot just accept information, especially if you feel unsure about the information. Do simple research or ask more in-depth questions about the matter.

Share opinions and knowledge

The opinions and knowledge you share don't have to be heavy topics like economics or politics. Just discuss topics you like with colleagues or close friends. Try to convey your views based on existing experiences and facts.

Brainstorming and group discussions

In contrast to the previous point, you can hone critical thinking skills in group discussions or brainstorming. So, not only you get the benefits, but other people can also hone their skills.

Read and learn new things

The ability to read and understand new things is not easy. Someone can read, but not necessarily understand. So, to be able to develop rational thinking skills, you also have to start by reading thoroughly and understanding it.

Put your thoughts and opinions in writing

If you have difficulty conveying something orally, try putting it in writing. You can note down some of the main points to remember your opinion. Or, you can also write down your opinion or opinion in full before conveying it orally.

That's an explanation of rational thinking and an easy way to develop it. Try doing the exercises above in your daily life.

This ability will help you make the best decisions and express your opinions firmly.

Want to learn more about rational thinking and how to develop it?
Join our class and learn how to develop rational thinking skills, click here now!

Company Culture as the Key to Organizational Success
01 July 2024

Company culture is an invisible foundation, but is very determining in the success of an organization. Because in a business world full of competition, the success of a company is not only determined by a strong business strategy.

Corporate culture is the identity of an organization, including the values, beliefs and norms that shape the way employees work and interact. A positive culture can be a driving force in achieving the company's long-term goals and creating a productive and harmonious work environment.

Basically, this one thing is a reflection of the organization's vision and mission which is translated into daily actions and interactions between team members. When the culture is clear and consistently implemented, employees can be more connected to the company's goals and motivated to contribute optimally.

However, building and maintaining a positive company culture is not an easy task. Find out how by reading this article to the end.

The Importance of Company Culture

Here are some reasons why building a strong company culture is critical to business success.

Increase Performance and Productivity

A positive company culture can improve employee performance and productivity. When employees feel valued and are in a supportive environment, they tend to be more motivated to provide their best performance.

Studies show that companies with a strong culture have higher levels of employee engagement. This has a direct impact on increasing productivity.

Increasing Employee Loyalty

Employees who feel connected to the company's values ​​and goals tend to be more loyal. An inclusive and supportive company culture makes employees feel like they are part of something bigger.

Ultimately this process will reduce turnover and costs associated with recruiting and training new employees.

Creating a Strong Corporate Identity

Corporate culture helps shape a company's identity and reputation. A strong identity makes it easier for companies to attract the best talent and create a positive image in the eyes of customers and business partners.

For example, companies like Google and Zappos are known for their unique cultures that have become an integral part of their brands.

Steps to Building a Company Culture

After understanding the importance of having a strong company culture, the next step is knowing how to create and maintain one. The following are several strategic steps you can take to build a positive culture and support long-term success.

Determine Company Values ​​and Vision

The first step in building a company culture is defining the company's values ​​and vision.

These values ​​must reflect the principles that the company wants to uphold and guide every business decision. A company vision should provide a clear picture of the company's long-term goals and aspirations.

Effective Communication

Once the values ​​and vision are established, it is important to communicate them effectively to all employees. Open and transparent communication ensures that everyone in the company understands and imbues these values.

This can be done through training, regular meetings, and various internal communication channels.

Apply Values ​​in Daily Practice

Company values ​​must be integrated into all aspects of company operations, from the recruitment process to performance evaluation. Concrete examples of implementing these values ​​will help strengthen company culture.

For example, if one of the company's values ​​is innovation, then the company must provide space and resources for employees to innovate.

Recognition and Awards

Rewarding employees who contribute positively to company culture can motivate and strengthen desired values. An effective recognition program not only improves employee morale but also sends the message that the company values ​​and respects individual contributions.

Supportive Leadership

Leadership plays an important role in building and maintaining company culture. Leaders must be role models who reflect the company's values ​​in their daily actions. Authentic and inspiring leadership can create a positive and dynamic work environment.

The Impact of Corporate Culture on Business Success

Building a company culture also has a direct impact on business success. The following are some examples of the impact:

Innovation and Creativity

A company culture that encourages collaboration and creativity can produce sustainable innovation. Companies that give employees the freedom to innovate will be better prepared to face challenges and changes in the market.

Business Sustainability

A strong company culture helps create business stability and continuity. With motivated and loyal employees, companies can focus more on long-term development rather than having to constantly address internal problems.

Reputation and Competitiveness

A positive company culture builds a good reputation in the eyes of customers, business partners and society. This reputation increases a company's competitiveness in the market, enabling the company to attract and retain customers.


In an ever-changing business world, the ability to adapt is the key to success. A company culture that supports learning and adaptation helps companies to more easily navigate change and innovation in the marketplace.

Building a strong company culture is a long-term investment that brings many benefits to the company. A positive and strong culture will create a strong corporate identity, increase employee loyalty, and strengthen the company's reputation.

Apart from knowing about company culture, there are still many business aspects that need to be studied for organizational success. You can choose prasmul-eli which has several short program options.

With a learning duration of only 1-3 days, this program presents facilitators who are experts in their fields so you can gain new business insights and tricks.
What are you waiting for, contact prasmul-eli for more complete program information via this link!

Managerial Skills as the Foundation of Leadership Success
28 June 2024

Aspiring to get a promotion as a manager in the company or just got the promotion? When occupying a leadership position in a company, there are skills required, one of which is managerial skills.

In the complex and competitive world of business, the success of an organization often depends on its leaders' ability to manage teams, projects and resources efficiently.

A skilled manager must not only understand the technical aspects of their job, but must also have a variety of other skills that enable them to lead effectively.

So, if you want to have good managerial skills to boost your career, read this article to the end, okay?

Definition of Managerial Skills

Managerial skills are the ability to organize employees so they can do their jobs better. Not only must a leader have it, but managerial skills need to be learned by everyone for career success.

Basically, someone who has good managerial skills can be more adaptive to various decisions or business directions from the company. Not only useful for yourself, managerial skills will also help the company develop further.

By continuing to sharpen managerial skills, a work team will be created that is more able to collaborate to complete work. Of course, this will be profitable so that the company can continue to run and innovate with the support of its employees.

Types of Managerial Skills

Here are three types of managerial skills that you need to understand and apply:

Technical Skills

This type involves knowledge for a specific field. With extensive knowledge, a manager will use special techniques that he learns to achieve his goals within the company.

Some examples that need to be understood regarding technical skills for managerial skills are work planning, increasing sales, and so on.

Conceptual Skills

Types of conceptual skills include understanding, how to think, and how to formulate ideas. With this concept, a manager can see an idea in outline, analyze it, and find out what action plan is needed.

Managers with good conceptual skills will usually better understand the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a work plan and can overcome them by making additional plans.

Interpersonal Skills

This type of interpersonal skill refers to how managers interact, work, and relate effectively with coworkers. This skill allows a manager to utilize human resources in the company and also motivates them.

Of course, the hope for the future is that the team can work better and produce something the company needs to develop.

Examples of Managerial Skills

To understand better, here are six examples of managerial skills that you need to pay attention to and learn!


Communication is the key to success. In managerial skills, a manager with good communication skills will tend to be more successful.

The reason is, by having good communication skills, a manager can convey information clearly and be understood by various parties. Apart from that, the better a manager's way of communicating also influences the quality of his team's work.


A manager must be able to plan or plan. This type of managerial skill is really needed because it will have an impact on the way you work in a team.

The planning skills possessed by a manager help him to create something that is visionary and still pay attention to obstacles and goals. Apart from that, in planning a manager must be able to do the following things:

  • Critical thinking
  • Think logically
  • Think strategically
  • Analyze the problem
  • Program management

Decision Making

Decision making is another example of managerial skill. The success of a company or organization depends on the decisions taken by superiors within it.

In order for a plan to run smoothly, it is necessary to make the right decision in every situation. A manager who is able to make effective decisions in every situation will help the company develop further.

Problem Solving

A good manager can solve problems in an effective way and prioritize common interests. Problem solving in a company also involves identifying problems and then reaching conclusions about how to solve them.

This managerial skill does not only apply to the interests of the company, miscommunication and other things can occur within the team while working.

Delegation of Tasks

A manager who has this ability is certainly able to reassign tasks or divide tasks within the team. With this managerial skill, a manager will better understand who is suitable to carry out the task and can do it more efficiently.

Delegation helps managers optimize their productivity and helps teams gain new learning or skills.


Another example of a managerial skill that needs to be learned is how to motivate. A manager who can motivate his team is a valuable asset for the company.

Motivation triggers desired behavior or responses from employees. There are two types of motivation used by managers, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

If a manager has mastered managerial skills, of course this will have a good impact on himself and the team. It doesn't stop there, having good managerial skills can also motivate other employees to learn more and have an impact on the company's success.

The company's success in question is synergy within the team to achieve company goals and continue to grow.

Want to learn more about managerial skills? prasmul-eli has a special short leadership program that you can follow. The program is held for two days with various materials that help you to sharpen your managerial and leadership skills in the team.

Not only the leadership program, Prasmul-eli provides other short programs for you professionals who want to increase their knowledge. The program is designed to be short but still provides the essence and employs facilitators who are experienced in their fields.

Find further information on various short programs at Prasmul-Eli now by clicking this link!

investment credit that can help wider business expansion
27 June 2024

Doing business can be started by using investment credit services. In general, investment credit is a service that helps finance businesses both small and large scale.

This type of credit is an alternative type of bank credit, but is still officially supervised by banks in Indonesia.

Basically, investment credit is a government program that aims to develop the economy both in the region and in Indonesia. Providing investment credit to entrepreneurs can have an impact on creating job opportunities so that it can help reduce unemployment.

In general, investment credit seems quite profitable for the country and its business people, right?

Interested in applying for investment credit for business expansion? Understand more about investment credit first through this article!

Definition of Investment Credit

Investment credit is debt given to customers to expand their business. The debt repayment system can also be chosen based on a term agreement between customers who have businesses and the lender.

In Indonesia, the tenors given by banks are quite varied but generally 10-15 years. However, if you cannot pay it off within that time period, there is a 4 year deadline.

This type of credit is used to buy necessities or finance needs when building a business. Apart from that, investment credit can be applied for for various types of businesses, small and large scale.

Investment Credit Function

In general, the function of investment credit is to provide business capital for both individual businesses and institutions. The purpose of investment credit is provided so that business owners can develop their business in accordance with predetermined achievements.

In the financial sphere, investment credit is useful for moving the wheels of the country's economy and improving it. With the capital assistance provided to business owners, many businesses can develop.

It doesn't stop there, business development in the regions can have an impact on creating more job opportunities, thereby helping the government reduce unemployment.

Characteristics of Investment Credit

After understanding what investment credit is, of course there is a difference between this type of credit and others. The following are characteristics of healthy and official investment credit for you to consider:

Supervised by the Central Bank

For your information, investment credit is a government program so activities are supervised by the central bank. The central bank in Indonesia is Bank Indonesia with the function of supervising investment credit activities.

It doesn't stop there, the central bank's task is also to provide capital and assist business development in line with the function of credit.

Classified as a Government Program

As we know, investment credit is a government program supervised by the central bank. The large benefits provided make investment credit a target for parties participating in various government business programs.


Investment credit is productive. This is because the credit provided can be used to purchase inventory for business continuity and also business production costs. An example of increasing productivity is by adding tools or improvements.

With this, of course the business capital provided can encourage movement in the business's finances.

Example of Investment Credit

Investment credit is indeed interesting for those of you who have a business, either an individual or an institution. Apart from having expansion benefits, you also help the regional or government economy as long as you make payments on time.

However, what can investment credit references be used for? The following is an example of investment credit that you can consider when you want to apply!

Procurement of Business Equipment Inventory

For businesses that offer products, once they have their own factory, investment credit can be used. One of the things that can be done with investment credit facilities is purchasing business inventory.

If it is a factory, an example is the purchase of production machines. The purchase of business inventory equipment could be a component covered by the investment credit provider bank.

Building Renovation

Already have a business building, but need to renovate it to make it more viable? Investment credit can also provide costs for renovating buildings used for your business.

Examples of business buildings that can be renovated are head offices, factories or warehouses which are owned by individual businesses or institutions.

Purchase of New Buildings for Business

Have an adequate business building, but during expansion do you need a new building for production? Investment credit can help you to buy a new building for your production site.

Building a factory requires a lot of money, so investment credit can be an official financial service that can help in expanding your business.

This investment credit service provided by the government is indeed profitable for business people, both small and large scale. However, because applying for credit also has various requirements, make sure before applying you know all the requirements.

Apart from the financial matters that investment credit can help with in business expansion, you also need to equip yourself with knowledge before expanding. Want to deepen your business knowledge in the fields of supply chain, resources and marketing but don't have much time?

You can choose prasmul-eli which has several short program options.

For you business people who want to return to studying various sciences, Prasmul-eli now provides a variety of short program options with a learning duration of only 1-3 days. The program also presents facilitators who are experts in their fields so you can gain new business insights and tricks.
What are you waiting for, contact Prasmul-Eli to find out more about the program via this link!

Why is Email Marketing Important? Functions, Types and How to Make Them
26 June 2024

Email marketing is a digital marketing effort that uses media in the form of electronic mail or email. Email marketing can be used to market various types of products or services sold in business.

There are no limits for any type of business, email marketing can be used to optimize your business marketing.

Based on a survey from Campaign Monitor, 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach audiences or customers. Not only small scale businesses, many large scale businesses also use email marketing for specific purposes.

Apart from containing promotional information, there are several things we can do with email marketing to optimize business communications. Want to know other functions to make the marketing of the business you are running successful?

Read this article to the end  and try creating your first marketing email afterward!

Email Marketing Function

Electronic mail or email is one of the oldest communication media in existence. It is not surprising that currently email marketing is still one of the priority choices for marketing communications in various types of business.

So what are the actual functions of email marketing? Here are some of them:

  • Communication media with audiences or consumers.
  • Increase leads and sales.
  • Generate traffic that is sent directly to the company website.
  • Sending campaigns according to schedule.
  • Carry out massive marketing promotions with minimal costs.

With these various functions, email marketing continues to prove itself as an effective and efficient tool in reaching and building relationships with consumers.

Types of Email Marketing

With many functions, email marketing can be used as a marketing or communication medium to the target audience. Not limited to promotions, it turns out that the types of email marketing are quite diverse.

Here are several types of email marketing that can help you in business!

Survey Email

Usually, marketing emails containing surveys are used to gain insight from audiences or consumers. Apart from that, sending survey emails can also be a sign that a business values ​​its audience or consumers.

In this position, the business respects consumers so it wants to know the opinions of the audience or consumers.

Promotional Emails

Apart from getting suggestions and impressions, a business also wants to provide the best offer to its audience. The type of marketing email that provides offers is a promotional email.

The aim is to provide information and increase brand awareness of a business.

Seasonal Email

Some brands will try to send emails periodically or seasonally. Depends on the season, time of day, or special event.

One example is a marketing email containing promotions for discounted goods in the summer. The purpose of sending marketing emails is to reach consumers or prospects to find out the latest sales information.

Email Marketing Creation Strategy

After understanding its function and types, have you imagined what kind of email marketing is suitable for your business? Before making an email marketing sending plan, know the strategy first.

The following are the steps that are important for you to know when you want to start promotions or communications to your audience using email marketing:

Determine the Campaign Goal

Before starting to write or design email marketing, first determine the promotional campaign you want. Do you want to increase sales, increase brand awareness, or get more consumers?

Having clear promotional campaign objectives will help you design marketing emails that are right on target.

Understanding Audience

After knowing the objectives of the promotional campaign, you need to understand the brand's audience. Knowing your audience profile will help you to create relevant promotional email campaign content.

Apart from that, the use of language can also be more adjusted.

Organizing an Email List

After that, start to build a quality email list. Use emails from existing and potential consumers of websites, events, or content.

In addition, make sure that the company or business you run has permission to send emails to the list that has been compiled.


Dividing your email list into several segments is quite helpful for you in designing email marketing. Divide segments based on demographics, location, interests, or recorded behavior.

Segmentation allows you to send emails that are relevant to your audience.

Email Personalization

By understanding your audience, creating an email list and segmenting it, you have the potential to create personalized email marketing. Personalized marketing emails will usually be better received by the audience because they are personal and reach directly.

However, before personalizing your email, make sure you know the purpose of sending it, OK!

Quality Content

After understanding the 5 things above, to add value so that the audience continues to subscribe to email marketing, make sure to create quality content. Not only do you create promotional content, you can also insert tips or information that is relevant to the promotion you are creating.

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that can be optimized based on business goals. Apart from that, to understand more deeply the marketing needs of your business, you can also learn many other things, one of which is soft skills such as leadership, management, and many more.

Need to sharpen your soft skills but have limited time? prasmul-eli provides short programs that help you gain interesting insights and sharpen your business skills!

Currently, short programs at prasmul-eli are held on average for 2-3 days using various face-to-face, online or hybrid methods. For those of you who have limited time but have the desire to continue to increase your knowledge, a short program at prasmul-eli could be a solution.

Want to know more about the short program at prasmul-eli? Click this link!

Business Communication as the Key to Work Success
25 June 2024

As in everyday life, business communication is something that needs to be understood in order to realize company goals. The reason is so that we can be more adaptive to the work environment and can make our work successful.

Clear and effective business communication is very crucial for employees, managers and business leaders in carrying out their duties and fulfilling their responsibilities. Without appropriate processes and tools, businesses can face a variety of serious problems, from dissatisfied employees, disappointed customers, to a gradual decline in profits.

So what does business communication look like? Check out this article to understand the differences in business communication that make you look more professional at work!

Understanding Business Communication

Business communication is a process of sending and receiving information in a business environment. According to Rosenblatt, business communication is the act of sharing information, ideas, concepts and instructions conveyed both personally and to the public.

In business communication, the sender of the message is obliged to ensure that the message conveyed can be received or understood by the person he is speaking to. Carrying out business communication has several benefits, one of which is increasing customer satisfaction.

When carrying out business communications at work, engagement with customers is one of the goals.

Business Communication Objectives

The application of business communication itself has the aim of increasing collaboration within the company or with customers. Through effective communication in business, of course there will be collaboration and reciprocal relationships that will benefit both parties.

In addition, business communication aims to increase employee trust in the company or customers in product marketing organizers.

In the business world, business communication is one of the important things to implement. The reason is, without effective communication there will be misunderstandings whose impact could be detrimental to the business.

Types of Business Communication

Communication carried out in a business environment also has various types in its application. The following are the types of business communication that you need to know:

Horizontal Communication

This communication is a type of communication in business that is carried out with people who have positions in the company. This type of communication usually occurs between department heads in a company or two employees who work in the same department.

Another term refers to horizontal communication in business as peer communication. Horizontal communication can help with coordination within a team or when further discussions are needed for plans within a team or department.

Vertical Communication

Vertical communication is a type of communication in business that occurs between employees with different level positions. For example, vertical communication is the exchange of information between team members and the team head.

In this communication, team members need to report work or have further discussions regarding the project so that communication occurs. Of course, communication between these two individuals also needs to be regulated by appropriate etiquette.

Diagonal Communications

Diagonal communication is a type of communication that occurs within a company between people at different but related levels. The type of diagonal communication in a company is open communication and facilitates collaboration with different teams.

Practical Business Communication Techniques 

To achieve effective communication goals, at work each individual must master business communication techniques. The following are business communication techniques that you can apply!

Active Listening

When communicating at work, make sure you actively listen. In business communication, it is very important to receive information correctly so as to achieve mutual understanding.

When you can listen actively, business communication will be more effective because you can understand the other person's intentions appropriately. Apart from that, this method allows someone to build close relationships with other members who work at the same company.

Using Appropriate Language

Communication with the right use of language will produce high effectiveness. It should be understood that choosing the type of business communication also determines the language used.

Of course, communicating with teammates with equal positions will be different from talking with your boss. So, make sure to understand who you are talking to to determine the appropriate language style.

However, in general, formal and clear language is still the choice for conveying information in business.

Maintain Eye Contact

Of all the things in communication techniques, there are several small things that can also make you more successful in carrying out business communications. A small thing but it can also lead to more successful business communications.

Maintaining eye contact while talking can build good working relationships in business. Apart from eye contact, gesture is also an important thing.

Not the main goal but can help if this technique is learned well.

Maintaining Emotions

In a meeting, there are often differences of understanding or differences of opinion which lead to tension. In business communication, one of the important techniques to learn is not to involve emotions when communicating.

Again, the goal is to provide success in business, so we must be able to control our emotions and think openly.

There are times when business communications involve emotions to build better relationships. However, make sure you can control your emotions so that they don't become something that has a negative impact on carrying out business communications.

Want to sharpen your business communications?

You can try taking one of the short programs at prasmul-eli. Currently, prasmul-eli has provided various short classes to hone skills that are useful for your job or business.

Apart from that, there are also facilitators who are experienced in their fields to help you learn and gain insights that can be applied.

Curious? Contact Prasmul-Eli immediately for further information by clicking this link!

Understanding ERP that makes it easier to manage business data
24 June 2024

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is a system designed to manage all aspects of an organization's business in one integrated platform. With this, companies can automate various business functions such as finance, human resources, production, supply chain, services, and others.

The ERP concept developed from Material Requirements Planning (MRP) which first appeared in the 1960s. MRP focuses on production planning and control. As information technology developed, in the early 1990s, MRP evolved into ERP, covering not only manufacturing functions but also entire business processes.

This system aims to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and provide better insights through integrated, real-time data. Want to understand more about ERP and its use in business? Read this article until the end!

What is ERP?

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is a data collection and organization system carried out by integrated software. An ERP system is a solution to make it easier for businesses to manage daily data.

The data that can be managed is quite diverse, such as; accounting, manufacturing, marketing and HR data. With this system, data can be synchronized and move automatically, making it easier for managers to monitor the business as a whole.

ERP applications facilitate easier communication and exchange of information between departments across the company. This system collects information about the activities of various divisions, so that the information is available to other departments and can be used productively.

How ERP Works

After understanding the meaning, of course it will be very interesting to know how it works. In terms of process, ERP will help collect all data in the organization which is then stored in one central database.

After that, the data will be analyzed by the system to optimize business processes in an organization or company. The goal is to automate tasks, improve team collaboration, and better supervision and control.

Please note that ERP is a new digital tool that currently aims to be a data management solution. However, it is possible that the system will develop and provide various other solutions for running a business in terms of data management.

Types of ERP

With a dynamic system, of course ERP also has several types that can be used. The types of implementation are also quite varied according to the needs of the organization or company that wants to use it.

Here are the types of ERP systems based on their implementation:

Cloud Based

For those who want real-time data, using cloud-based ERP could be an option. This implementation system is available through cloud hosting services.

This cloud-based system is generally suitable for large-scale organizations or companies. This is because the larger the organization, the greater the need for real-time data analysis for business optimization.

On Premise

For this type, the system is used in a device directly in an organization or company. On-premise ERP systems are designed for all sizes of business, but are usually used by small and medium-sized organizations or companies.

Open Source

Just like other open source software, this ERP system allows companies to examine, modify and change the source code. The benefit of using open source is that it can make applications more suited to the organization or company.


This type of system combines two implementations, namely cloud and on premise. The use of this system allows it to be modified according to data needs and how much data is managed.

Benefits of ERP for Business

Various types of ERP system implementation open our eyes to the fact that currently there are systems that are easy and customizable. However, what benefits does using this system actually provide for business development in an organization or company?

The following are some of the benefits of an ERP system for business purposes:

Data analysis

In making a decision, of course there must be a valid data source to support it. This is where the function of the ERP system can help provide valid data both in quantity and quality.

Apart from that, with this system, daily data analysis can be carried out to help the production system quickly and precisely.

Workflow Effectiveness

Before ERP systems, you might update data by calling other departments by telephone. With this system, data updates can be done quickly and save communication time.

In other words, this system is able to provide effective benefits in workflow and communication efficiency.

Work Scheduling

Another benefit of having an ERP system in a company is in work scheduling. Companies can arrange employee work shifts, inventory delivery times, and manage time for maintenance within the company, both facilities and infrastructure.

An ERP system is a solution to make communication and data management more efficient. The system will definitely develop more sophisticated and provide other benefits for running an organization or company effectively.

Make sure your organization or company uses the type of ERP that suits your needs and is able to help with daily business activities.

Apart from ERP systems, there are also other ways to manage organizations or companies, namely understanding strategic management. Currently Prasmul-Eli has a short strategic management program that you can follow.

The aim of this short program is to inspire and develop your perspective in business. With the latest curriculum, you can choose various business classes according to your needs. This short program also presents facilitators who are experienced in their fields.

What are you waiting for, immediately register yourself to take part in a short training from prasmul-eli! Click this link for registration information and class options.