
Understanding ERP that makes it easier to manage business data



ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is a system designed to manage all aspects of an organization's business in one integrated platform. With this, companies can automate various business functions such as finance, human resources, production, supply chain, services, and others.

The ERP concept developed from Material Requirements Planning (MRP) which first appeared in the 1960s. MRP focuses on production planning and control. As information technology developed, in the early 1990s, MRP evolved into ERP, covering not only manufacturing functions but also entire business processes.

This system aims to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and provide better insights through integrated, real-time data. Want to understand more about ERP and its use in business? Read this article until the end!

What is ERP?

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is a data collection and organization system carried out by integrated software. An ERP system is a solution to make it easier for businesses to manage daily data.

The data that can be managed is quite diverse, such as; accounting, manufacturing, marketing and HR data. With this system, data can be synchronized and move automatically, making it easier for managers to monitor the business as a whole.

ERP applications facilitate easier communication and exchange of information between departments across the company. This system collects information about the activities of various divisions, so that the information is available to other departments and can be used productively.

How ERP Works

After understanding the meaning, of course it will be very interesting to know how it works. In terms of process, ERP will help collect all data in the organization which is then stored in one central database.

After that, the data will be analyzed by the system to optimize business processes in an organization or company. The goal is to automate tasks, improve team collaboration, and better supervision and control.

Please note that ERP is a new digital tool that currently aims to be a data management solution. However, it is possible that the system will develop and provide various other solutions for running a business in terms of data management.

Types of ERP

With a dynamic system, of course ERP also has several types that can be used. The types of implementation are also quite varied according to the needs of the organization or company that wants to use it.

Here are the types of ERP systems based on their implementation:

Cloud Based

For those who want real-time data, using cloud-based ERP could be an option. This implementation system is available through cloud hosting services.

This cloud-based system is generally suitable for large-scale organizations or companies. This is because the larger the organization, the greater the need for real-time data analysis for business optimization.

On Premise

For this type, the system is used in a device directly in an organization or company. On-premise ERP systems are designed for all sizes of business, but are usually used by small and medium-sized organizations or companies.

Open Source

Just like other open source software, this ERP system allows companies to examine, modify and change the source code. The benefit of using open source is that it can make applications more suited to the organization or company.


This type of system combines two implementations, namely cloud and on premise. The use of this system allows it to be modified according to data needs and how much data is managed.

Benefits of ERP for Business

Various types of ERP system implementation open our eyes to the fact that currently there are systems that are easy and customizable. However, what benefits does using this system actually provide for business development in an organization or company?

The following are some of the benefits of an ERP system for business purposes:

Data analysis

In making a decision, of course there must be a valid data source to support it. This is where the function of the ERP system can help provide valid data both in quantity and quality.

Apart from that, with this system, daily data analysis can be carried out to help the production system quickly and precisely.

Workflow Effectiveness

Before ERP systems, you might update data by calling other departments by telephone. With this system, data updates can be done quickly and save communication time.

In other words, this system is able to provide effective benefits in workflow and communication efficiency.

Work Scheduling

Another benefit of having an ERP system in a company is in work scheduling. Companies can arrange employee work shifts, inventory delivery times, and manage time for maintenance within the company, both facilities and infrastructure.

An ERP system is a solution to make communication and data management more efficient. The system will definitely develop more sophisticated and provide other benefits for running an organization or company effectively.

Make sure your organization or company uses the type of ERP that suits your needs and is able to help with daily business activities.

Apart from ERP systems, there are also other ways to manage organizations or companies, namely understanding strategic management. Currently Prasmul-Eli has a short strategic management program that you can follow.

The aim of this short program is to inspire and develop your perspective in business. With the latest curriculum, you can choose various business classes according to your needs. This short program also presents facilitators who are experienced in their fields.

What are you waiting for, immediately register yourself to take part in a short training from prasmul-eli! Click this link for registration information and class options.

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