
What is a Course and Training Institution? This is the Definition, Purpose & Benefits


Course and Training Institute (LKP in Indonesian)  is a form of non-formal education unit that can be used by the community to improve quality, skills and productivity. However, there are still many people who do not know about LKP.

As a non-formal educational institution, LKP has formal education in the form of a short education that focuses on increasing the competency skills of certain fields of interest to students.

What is LKP?

What is a Course and Training Institute? According to the Ministry of Education and Culture's website, the definition of a Course and Training Institution is an educational institution that has a role in improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia.

Simply put, LKP is a form of non-formal education unit (outside of school education) organized for people who need the provision of knowledge, skills, life skills, and attitudes to develop themselves, develop their profession, work, be independent businesses, and or continue their education to a higher level. higher.

The basis for the Policy for Course and Training Institutions (LKP) is Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Article 26 paragraph (5), which states that Courses and Training are organized for people who need provision of knowledge, skills, life skills, and attitudes to develop self, developing profession, working, independent business, and/or continuing education to a higher level.

The Purposes of LKP

What is the purpose of the Course and Training Institute? LKP as a non-formal education unit has a very important role as a partner of the government as a form of community participation to participate in educating the nation's life in accordance with national education development policies, directed at realizing education that is just, quality and relevant to the needs of the community.

According to the Directorate of Course Development and Training, there are several efforts to realize this goal in the implementation of national education which is based on five educational missions, namely:

  1. Availability of various educational service programs
  2. Affordable tuition fees for the whole community
  3. The higher the quality of each type and level of education
  4. Without any differences in educational services in terms of various aspects, and
  5. Guarantees graduates to continue and alignment with the world of work

Benefits of LKP

LKP has long been a reference for people who need skills. Both hard skills and soft skills to work or start a business. However, due to LKP's status as non-formal education, LKP is sometimes underestimated. Even though by taking courses and training, you can focus more on equipping yourself with hard skills and soft skills that match your talents and interests.

Here are five benefits of joining a training course institution, see the full explanation below:

1. Adding New Skills

By attending a Course and Training Institute, one can hone existing skills or even add new skills. These skills can include barista competence, graphic design, digital marketing, and so on. 

2. Broaden Networking

By joining LKP, you will meet new people who have the same interests. So, networking will definitely increase. By having extensive relationships, this can be a new opportunity in the future related to information on job vacancies or even an opportunity to open a business with new relations.

3. More Confidence in the Workplace Competition

With the provision of hard skills and soft skills that you get from LKP, you will be more confident when you have to compete in the world of work. Moreover, the courses and trainings attended can add a profile to the portfolio which will be a plus when applying for a job.

4. Knowing A Lot Of Things

When attending courses and training, you will be taught directly by experts in their fields. Apart from that, you can also have deeper discussions and explore skills well. You can also discover new methods and techniques that you haven't learned before. In the end, insight and skills will develop more.

5. Become a Working Capital

The benefit of joining the latest Course and Training Institute is as a strong working capital. This is because activities at LKP are more focused on practice so that skills in solving problems will be tested more.

In addition, there are several tasks that must be done both individually and in groups. Indirectly, this can improve abilities in various fields and as capital to enter the world of work.


The Best LKP

There are lots of Course and Training Institutions in Indonesia. One of the best Course and Training Institutions in Indonesia is Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute (prasmul-eli). Prasmul-eli itself acts as a business partner who believes in the potential of HR in a sustainable period.

Prasmul-eli has also been trusted as a Partner for Courses and Training Institutions in various national, multinational companies and government agencies. There are lots of training programs and online courses organized by prasmul-eli to develop the potential of Human Resources (HR) and career development, namely:

1. Public Program

Prasmul-eli Public Program is an activity carried out in order to build skills, confidence, interests and talents. This program is carried out with a duration of 2-3 days which aims to enrich insight, develop skills, build self-confidence, so that later you can compete in the company where you work.

2. Corporate Programs

Corporate Programs are programs provided by prasmul-eli for those of you who want to improve their skills in career development. Many choices of job training programs for companies are available at prasmul-eli, such as business improvement projects, executive coaching, to team building.

3. Seasonal Programs

What is meant by Seasonal Programs from prasmul-eli is that companies can work together with prasmul-eli for a long period of time to be able to increase the insights, skills and also the performance of the company's human resources. This program usually takes place annually in accordance with agreed terms.

4. Assessment Services

Assessment is an assessment or evaluation mechanism that is carried out by comparing implementation conditions with frameworks and reference standards. So, prasmul-eli provides assessment services using the reference standards that apply in large companies in general.

5. Consulting Services

Not only holding online courses, prasmul-eli also provides professional consulting services. This consulting service is later expected to become a sustainable platform to be able to develop the company, starting from management, customer experience, to business strategy.

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