Demotivation is a condition when someone does not feel motivated or enthusiastic about doing their work. In fact, sometimes it has an impact on overall productivity.
Being a worker and doing the same activities every day can certainly make you feel bored and even unmotivated.
This article will explain what demotivation is, its characteristics, causes, and how to overcome it.
Definition of Demotivation
Quoted from AIESEC, demotivation is a decrease in enthusiasm and interest in something. You will constantly feel tired and lose motivation, sometimes this feeling is also followed by a feeling of wanting to give up on something, such as work.
In the world of work, demotivation is a common occurrence. Monotonous routines, lack of support, and many other factors can influence the loss of motivation at work.
According to research published in Forbes, 48% of workers in the world do not like their jobs, especially those with bad leaders.
One of the problems when losing motivation is its major influence on work and even daily life. It is important to recognize the signs of lack of motivation that you are experiencing so that the causes and how to overcome them can be identified.
This is also one of the homework for companies/businesses to be able to recognize the signs of lack of motivation experienced by their employees. That way, the company can take appropriate preventive measures/efforts so that employees do not burn out.
Signs of Demotivation
Here are some signs that you are experiencing demotivation at work:
1. Isolating Yourself from the Environment
When someone loses motivation, they tend to have no interest in socializing, even for something they usually like. Usually, when someone loses motivation, they will ignore what is happening around them and isolate themselves.
2. Not Developing Themselves
Not only not wanting to socialize, losing motivation also has another form, namely not wanting to develop themselves. When someone feels demotivated, what usually makes them enthusiastic and interested will feel ordinary and even boring.
3. Not Present at Work
If one of your employees starts to be absent frequently and is not present at work/projects, you can start to worry, it could be that they are experiencing a loss of motivation.
There will always be reasons and permission not to go to work for workers who have lost motivation. If left unchecked, of course this can have an impact on the company/business and the individual themselves.
4. Reduced Productivity
Reduced productivity is one of the common signs of loss of motivation for workers. When you enjoy your work and are enthusiastic about it, you will be more productive at work.
Likewise, when you lose motivation, you no longer find that pleasure so that productivity also decreases.
Causes of Demotivation
Quoting Indeed, there are several reasons or causes that cause you to feel demotivated at work. Here are some examples:
1. Tight Schedule
When you have a tight schedule, feelings of burnout and fear of not being able to complete all work on time can make you feel demotivated.
2. Physical and Mental Fatigue
Mental and physical fatigue at the same time can also be one of the causes of you feeling demotivated at work. When this happens, try to take a break for a moment by taking a vacation and taking your leave quota
3. Unbalanced Work and Life
Work-life imbalance is also a common cause of demotivation. If you spend too much time just working and don't pay attention to your social life, there is a high potential for burnout and loss of motivation.
4. Micromanagement
When viewed from the workplace, loss of motivation can also be caused by micromanagement. In an article from HBR quoted by Forbes, it is explained that micromanagement of employees and lack of trust in their work results will cause a loss of interest in work.
5. Bad Office Culture/Environment
Companies that do not have a strong foundation with leaders who understand business can be very vulnerable. The company's less than ideal condition is one of the causes of demotivation.
Employees will feel job insecurity because of the uncertainty that makes them worry. This condition can be exacerbated if the company's leadership is not ideal and incompetent. How a company communicates and has a big influence on the causes of loss of motivation at work.
How to Overcome Demotivation
To overcome demotivation, you can do the following:
1. Understand the Cause
The key to overcoming loss of motivation at work is to identify the cause first. Recognizing what motivates you to work can help eliminate demotivation because you will find interest in working again.
2. Create a Healthy Routine
A monotonous routine can be a problem in providing motivation. Try to create a fun routine every day so that you will feel better, especially in the morning so that a positive mindset has been formed from the start.
3. Take a Break
Working hard is a good thing, but working too hard and not thinking about yourself is wrong. In order not to lose motivation due to burnout, don't forget to take a break.
4. Create Clear Work Goals
Make work goals clearer and more structured, so you will feel more motivated to complete them. You can use the SMART method to create clear work goals.
Demotivation at work can happen to anyone. As an individual who works or as a company, you must understand this better so that it does not happen in the future.
In a company, preventing demotivation in employees can be started through the right programs from HR, one of which is career development that pays attention to the company's HR.
Through the HR Today: Building Employee Experience learning program from prasmul-eli, you will learn about HR management that is in accordance with developing trends and is beneficial for the company. For more information, please visit the site here.