Conflict resolution is an important skill to have, especially when dealing with tensions with coworkers or friends.
Situations like this are very common in life at work or in the circle of friends. When differences of opinion arise, we need to know how to deal with them properly.
Therefore, understanding what conflict resolution is and how to apply it effectively is an important first step.
Here is a discussion of conflict resolution, starting from the definition, process, to the skills needed to apply it!
What is Conflict Resolution?
Conflict resolution is a way or method to resolve differences of opinion and find a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved.
Reported from Indeed, conflict resolution is the art of overcoming differences in goals and opinions to find a way for everyone to work together peacefully.
Why is it important to understand conflict resolution? Because, conflict can arise from small to large differences.
As explained by Helpguide, conflict occurs when people disagree about their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires.
Sometimes these differences seem trivial. However, when conflict triggers strong emotions, there is usually a deep personal need behind the problem.
Therefore, we need to know how to resolve conflict. The goal is so that the differences that occur do not damage the relationship, but instead become an opportunity to find a solution together.
Effective Conflict Resolution Process
Every workplace must have faced conflict. Whether it's a small problem like a difference of opinion or something bigger like a fight between coworkers.
To keep the work environment comfortable and productive, it is important to resolve conflict well.
Here are the steps in an effective conflict resolution process:
Acknowledge that there is a problem
The first step in resolving conflict is that all parties involved must recognize that there is a problem. If the problem is not acknowledged, it will certainly be difficult to fix.
Sometimes, the problem is simple, such as just feeling a little upset because there is a difference of opinion.
However, acknowledging that the problem exists is an important first step in starting a resolution.
Agree to discuss the problem
After acknowledging that there is a problem, the next step is that all parties must agree to discuss it.
It is useless if only one party wants to talk, while the other does not. By agreeing to discuss, the process of resolving the problem can begin.
Understand the other person's perspective
In conflict, both parties usually have different perspectives. Therefore, it is important to understand each other's feelings and views.
Try to see the problem from the other person's perspective to help find a better solution.
Change attitudes or behaviors that cause problems
Often, conflicts occur because of certain attitudes or behaviors that are not liked by the other party.
For example, you may have said something that accidentally offended someone. Small things like this can be triggers for conflict.
To resolve conflict, sometimes it is necessary to make changes in the way we act or speak.
For example, if you realize that your words or actions have hurt someone's feelings, you can try to be more careful in the future.
These changes may seem small, but they can make a big difference in defusing conflict.
Recognize conflict triggers
Everyone has things that can trigger feelings of discomfort or anger.
For example, you may feel offended by someone's rude way of speaking or feel disrespected in a conversation.
Recognizing these conflict triggers is very important. If you understand what usually causes conflict, you can be more careful in the future.
That way, you can avoid actions or words that have the potential to cause problems.
Involve a third party if necessary
Sometimes, conflicts cannot be resolved by the parties involved alone.
In situations like this, a third party such as HRD (Human Resources) or a manager can help act as a mediator. An outside party is usually more objective and can provide a fairer solution.
Be willing to compromise
In the process of conflict resolution, compromise is often required.
This means that one or both parties may have to give in a little in order to reach an agreement.
It is impossible to always get everything you want, but by compromising, the conflict can end more quickly.
Create an action plan
Once a solution has been found, it is important to design an action plan. All parties must agree on the steps that will be taken to improve the situation.
For example, there may need to be changes in the way work or daily communication is carried out.
Monitor results and changes
Once an agreement is reached, we must continue to monitor whether the agreed solution is working well.
Are the changes visible? Is the problem really solved? If not, further discussion may be needed.
Take firm action if needed
If someone refuses to follow the agreement or continues to cause problems, it may be necessary to take firm action.
This action can be a warning, reprimand, or even dismissal if the situation cannot be fixed.
This is done to maintain a harmonious and productive work environment.
Resolving conflicts well is very important to maintain a comfortable work atmosphere.
The reason is, if the conflict is left alone, it can later disrupt productivity and worsen relationships between coworkers.
So, if you are facing conflict at work, don't be afraid to admit it and take these steps.
Skills Needed in Conflict Resolution
To implement conflict resolution effectively, you need several important skills:
1. Active Listening Skills
Active listening plays a very important role in conflict resolution. You need to focus on what the other person is saying without interrupting. If there is something unclear, ask questions after the other person has finished speaking.
2. Emotional Intelligence
Emotional awareness is an important foundation in communicating problems. This ability helps you understand your own feelings and those of others better.
3. Communication Skills
Communication is very much needed in resolving conflicts. This means you need to be able to express your thoughts and feelings clearly.
When speaking, make sure that your words are easy for others to understand. If you can express your opinions well, it will be easier to avoid misunderstandings.
Clear communication also helps build good relationships with the people around you.
4. Problem-Solving Skills
When there is a conflict, you need to be able to find out what caused the problem. You need to think and find the right solution to overcome the problem.
Try to see several different ways to solve it and choose the most effective one.
For example, if the conflict arises because of differences of opinion, you can find a way to reach an agreement or middle ground that satisfies all parties.
5. Stress Management
When facing conflict, feelings of stress can arise. Therefore, you need to manage stress well.
Try to stay calm and think clearly. If you can control your emotions and not panic, of course you will be better able to make good decisions.
6. Empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand and feel what others feel. When you have empathy, you are more likely to appreciate other people’s feelings and perspectives.
By trying to understand their position, you can avoid being too quick to judge.
7. Negotiation Skills
Negotiation is the process of finding a solution that works for everyone. In this process, you may need to find a middle ground.
This means that both you and the other person may have to give in a little to make everyone happy.
In closing, the ability to resolve conflict and make good decisions is essential in a professional environment.
To improve these skills, we invite you to enroll in the Systems Thinking and Complex Decision Making class.
In this class, you will learn through simulations and recognize four common situations, and discuss the appropriate decision-making patterns.
You will also practice thinking skills using cause-and-effect diagrams and understanding psychological biases in decision-making.