
Applied Negotiation Technique

Negotiation Skills Training Certification Program aims to improve your knowledge and skills related to negotiation and lobbying skills

Negotiation Leads on Success Achieved Profit

There is no businessperson who adheres to the principle of doing business for the loss. Each of them is eager to gain a profit, and then who will experience business loss? The losers are those who are not mastering negotiation techniques.

Negotiation is basically the principle of give and take, give as little as possible and receive as much as possible. An experienced negotiator always knows when to give and when to receive.

Mastering the Art of Negotiation

A negotiator is always required to understand when to give and when to take, and should also be aware of the situation and condition facing his/her negotiating partner. Negotiation techniques are not always a tool to push the negotiating partner, but also as a defending means when being pushed.

Negotiation techniques involve much more than mastering the art of talking. They are rooted in the adage, “Silence is GOLD, talking is SILVER, but knowing when to be silent and when to talk is DIAMOND.”

Negotiation is a unique activity, combining science, art, and technique.

This program will show participants how to cooperate rather than compete with others to the best results for everyone.

Learning Objective

  • Encourage participants to recognize, master, and develop profitable negotiation techniques 
  • Emphasize the importance of planning and preparing for negotiations, and show how to carry them out 
  • Train participants to conduct good and profitable negotiations

Learning Coverage

Day 1

  • Definisi Negosiasi & Gaya mengatasi konflik
  • Negosiasi Distributif versus negosiasi integrative & Pemahaman Negosiasi Distributif
  • Power dalam negosiasi & Strategi negosiasi distributif

Day 2

  • Negosiasi Integratif & Value claiming versus creation
  • Position versus Interest & 3 tingkatan negosiasi integrative
  • Evolusi Kerjasama B2B dan pola negosiasi
  • Red, Blue dan Purple dalam negosiasi

Day 3

  • Soft skills dalam negosiasi
  • Role play

Learning Method

Case studies, exercises, films, combined with recorded and played back role-plays will make you well-versed in the pressure of negotiation from both sides, so it will complement your strategy planning with the result without losing profits


Ruby Hermanto

Ruben Saragih

Alfred Albert

*subject to availability



  • Those who have to handle "sales negotiations" and "purchase negotiations" 
  • Managers who work in sales and purchasing 
  • Managers who are often involved in commercial negotiations 
  • For those who want to know more about negotiations
  • Market and Competition Analysis for Pricing, Customer Value, and Strategic Pricing

Program schedule


  • 6 March 2024 - 7 March 2024
  • 17 December 2024 - 18 December 2024


  • 4 June 2024 - 6 June 2024
  • 17 September 2024 - 19 September 2024




