
Strategic Brand Management

Strategic Brand Management Program with prasmul-eli. Online training courses with professional coaches to develop your career

Brand is a guarantee for our consumers. Guarantee of quality, consistency, competence, and reliability. Brand is crucial, that the brand seems to be the identity of our products, services, and even our company. The importance of a brand is also reflected in the large equity value of a brand, which is an important asset in business.

Learning Objectives

In the 2-day program, participants will be invited to:

  • Understand and master what is the essence of a brand
  • What is the difference between a brand and a product
  • The importance of having a strong brand
  • How to differentiate & position our brand
  • As well as deepening the importance of the elements of a brand and how to form a brand identity.

Learning Coverage

Day 1

  • Product and Brand Management
  • Brand Element
  • Brand Identity
  • Workshop (1)

Day 2

  • Brand Loyalty
  • Brand Extensions
  • Workshop (2)
  • Presentation

Learning Method

  • Group Discussion
  • Interactive Workshops


Ruby Hermanto

Ruben Saragih

Alfred Albert Tuwahatu

*subject to availability


  • Pemimpin perusahaan
  • Pengusaha
  • Manajer senior di seluruh departemen
  • Manajer senior dan menengah dari pemasaran, pengembangan bisnis, R&D, riset pasar, penjualan, dan divisi lain yang terkait erat dengan pemasaran dan periklanan.
  • Pemimpin perusahaan dan senior di perusahaan Advertising

Program schedule


  • 22 October 2024 - 23 October 2024


