
Definition of Business Opportunity Analysis, Objectives, Characteristics, and Methods





Have you ever dreamed of having your own business but still hesitant to start? Actually, this is normal. Starting a business is not a small decision, and requires a lot of consideration.

Therefore, to help you be more confident, let's discuss business opportunity analysis. With the right analysis, the level of business success will certainly be higher and have the opportunity to become a leader in the industry.

In addition, of course, you will also be more prepared to face all possibilities in the field and can design a more mature strategy.

Definition of Business Opportunity Analysis

Business opportunity analysis is an important process carried out before starting or developing a business. This process includes several main steps such as research, planning, estimating, and evaluating the business you want to run.

By doing this analysis, you can better understand the market potential, growth opportunities, and various challenges that may be faced.

For example, in a business opportunity analysis, you will conduct research on the needs and wants of consumers in the market. In addition, you will estimate the costs required to run a business, from production costs to marketing costs.

So, business opportunity analysis helps you to better understand all aspects of the business, so that the steps taken are more focused and reduce the risk of loss.

Purpose of Business Opportunity Analysis

Quoting from Hubspot, there are several important objectives in conducting this analysis, namely:

1. Making Strategic Decisions

First, this analysis helps you make better long-term strategic decisions. For example, you can predict market trends for the next 1-5 years.

Thus, it will be easier for you to anticipate changes in market trends, technological developments, and shifts in consumer behavior.

2. Avoiding Bankruptcy

Business opportunity analysis helps you avoid bankruptcy. By conducting the right analysis, you can identify potential problems before they occur.

3. Determining Marketing Strategy

Each product requires a different marketing approach. For example, products for professionals may be more suitable to be marketed through LinkedIn, while products for teenagers are more effective through TikTok or Instagram.

4. Understanding Product Value in the Market

By conducting a business opportunity analysis, you can see how big the chance is that your product will be accepted by the public. This process allows you to understand the right position for the product in the market.

For example, whether your product is suitable to be placed as a premium or affordable product. You can also determine the right price according to consumer purchasing power.

5. Measuring Market Competition

This analysis also helps you to understand the competitive map in the market. You will get a clear picture of who your competitors are, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how they attract customers.

Characteristics of Business Opportunity Analysis

In conducting a business opportunity analysis, there are several characteristics that you need to pay attention to.

A good business opportunity must have elements of creativity and innovation, not just copying other people's ideas. In addition, promising business opportunities are also always based on strong beliefs and enthusiasm.

These two things will be important capital when you face challenges in your business journey. Without confidence and enthusiasm, you will easily give up when facing difficulties.

No less important, business opportunities must also be adaptive to change. In the digital era like today, businesses that cannot adapt will usually be left behind.

How to Conduct a Business Opportunity Analysis

Now let's discuss the steps in conducting a business opportunity analysis.

1. SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat)

The first step is to analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses of your business, as well as external opportunities and threats. This method will provide a comprehensive picture of your business's position in the market.

2. Target Market

Second, determine the target market clearly. Although your product can be used by all groups, it is better to focus on a specific group based on age, gender, or interests.

The more specific the target market, the more effective the marketing strategy you can implement.

3. Create a Clear Budget

Next, prepare a detailed budget plan. Starting from production costs, employee salaries, operational costs, to marketing costs. Don't forget to take into account the desired profit margin.

4. Competitor Research

Conduct in-depth research on competitors or competitors in the market. Understanding the value proposition offered by competitors is very important.

This includes looking at the strategies they implement, the marketing approaches they use, and what can be learned from their customer reviews.

By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, you can find opportunities to make your business superior.

5. Pay Attention to External Factors

Don't forget to consider external factors that can affect your business. For example, current economic conditions, developing social trends, technological advances, and government regulations.

These external factors often have a major impact on the success of a business, so it is important to always keep up with the changes that occur.

6. Conduct Routine Evaluations

Remember that business opportunity analysis is not an activity that is done only once. This process should be carried out routinely to ensure that your business remains relevant and growing. With regular evaluations, you can see whether the strategies implemented are still effective or need to be updated.

Interested in deepening your understanding of business opportunity analysis? prasmul-eli provides a comprehensive Business Development Planning class.

In this class, you will learn everything from competitive analysis, competitive strategies, financial aspects of business, and more. Register for prasmul-eli's Business Development Planning class now!

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