
What is Data Analysis Technique, Types, and Examples of Application in Business


Soft Skill

Did you know that applying data analysis techniques will provide new insights that can improve business decision-making capabilities?

By understanding this one thing, you can answer questions such as when is the best time to launch a marketing campaign?

Is the current team structure effective? Which customer segments are most likely to buy your new product?

Ultimately, data analysis techniques can be a critical driver of any successful business strategy.

However, how can data analysis techniques turn raw data into something useful?

Definition of Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis techniques are steps to process information and research data that can produce new information or research findings.

Analysis is carried out to ensure the validity of the data which will facilitate the steps that can be taken next.

Why is data analysis important in a business? Analyzing data effectively will help organizations make the right business decisions.

Generally, data is collected by businesses continuously through surveys, online tracking, online marketing analysis, social media monitoring, etc.

Types of Data Analysis Techniques and Examples of Their Application

Before knowing the various types of data analysis techniques, you need to know first about the differences between quantitative and qualitative data.

Quantitative data is known as structured data and can appear as a “traditional” database with rows and columns.

Qualitative data is identified as unstructured data involving text, images, videos, and other media, not just rows and columns.

Both types of data are used for different analysis purposes and use different analysis methods.

Here are some types and examples:

Regression analysis

Regression analysis is used to estimate the relationship between a set of variables.

The goal is to estimate how one or more variables can affect the dependent variable, to identify trends and patterns.

For example, you work in an e-commerce company and want to test the relationship between variables:

(a) how much money is spent on social media marketing

(b) sales revenue.

Using regression analysis, you can see if there is a relationship between the two variables.

Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo simulation involves experimenting with probability elements by taking random samples. This simulation technique takes advantage of the element of chance in a situation of chance.

You can use the Monte Carlo method to design realistic scenarios when making decisions.

For example, a marketing department is evaluating the advertising budget for their online fitness class.

A Monte Carlo mathematical model can be used for uncertain factors such as subscription costs, advertising costs, enrollment rates, and retention.

By simulating, the impact of changes in these variables is predicted to assess the profitability of the decision.

Factor analysis

Factor analysis is a technique used to reduce a large number of variables into a smaller number of factors.

This is useful not only for condensing large data sets into smaller, more manageable samples, but also because it helps uncover hidden patterns.

This technique allows for the exploration of concepts that cannot be easily measured or observed such as happiness, dissatisfaction, health, etc.

In a business context, concepts that are difficult to measure include customer loyalty and satisfaction.

With this technique, you end up with a smaller number of factors than hundreds of individual variables.

These factors are then subjected to further analysis, to learn more about your customers.

Cohort analysis

Cohort analysis is a data analysis technique that groups users based on shared characteristics.

For example, the date they signed up for a service or product they purchased.

Once users are clustered, analysts can track their behavior over time to identify trends and patterns.

With this technique, you can begin to identify patterns in behavior at different points in the customer journey.

For example, how they experience your site from their first visit, to their email newsletter signup, to their first purchase, etc.

Cluster analysis

Cluster analysis is an exploratory technique that attempts to identify structure in a data set.

The goal is to sort different data points into clusters that are internally homogeneous and externally heterogeneous.

In marketing, cluster analysis is commonly used to group large customer bases into distinct segments. The technique allows for more targeted advertising and communications approaches.

For example, an insurance company might use cluster analysis to investigate why certain locations are associated with a high number of insurance claims.

Time series analysis

Time series analysis is a statistical technique used to identify trends and cycles over time.

Time series data is a sequence of data points that measure the same variable at different points in time.

For example, techniques are used to calculate weekly sales figures or monthly email signups.

By looking at trends related to time, analysts can predict how the variables of interest may fluctuate in the future.

When conducting time series analysis, the main patterns you need to look for in your data are:

  • Trend: A steady, linear increase or decrease over a long period of time.
  • Seasonality: Predictable fluctuations in data due to seasonal factors over a short period of time.

For example, you might notice that swimsuit sales peak during the holiday season each year.

In conclusion, the right data analysis techniques will form accurate strategic decisions for the success of your business.

Doing this technique can be called one of the right ways to deal with dynamic situations in managing a business. If you want to have good business analysis skills, take the Strategic Business Analysis short program from Prasmul Eli.

In the three-day program, the learning scope includes:

  • Introduction to Strategic Business Analysis
  • General Environment and Scenario Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Internal Analysis
  • Core Competence Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model Analysis
  • Customer Pain & Gain Analysis

Register yourself through the following link to join this class which will be held online and offline.

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