
Celebrating Small Wins in Business


Many leaders, both new and experienced, underestimate the power to fight for their employees and teammates. Small wins or small wins are often ignored or simply forgotten. Celebrating small wins can spark joy, engagement, and creativity at work.

What is Progress Principle?

Progress Principle is a novel written by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer that talks about the practice of removing obstacles that stand in the way of progress. This philosophy also talks about ways one can activate progress through catalyst events that directly facilitate project work and interpersonal events to uplift workers.

The Progress Principle provides aspiring and experienced leaders with the tools and insights necessary to maximize the performance of their teammates through impactful management and meaningful work. According to Teresa Amabile, “Management must enrich the lives of those who work in organizations—by enabling them to succeed in jobs that have real value for customers, communities and themselves.”

Benefits of Celebrating Small Wins

A victory has a very basic role for humans to achieve happiness at work. However, many managers fail to use it to increase motivation. Managers are often thought to have more to say than they realize when it comes to employee well-being, motivation and creativity in the workplace. Understanding that principle shows how important it is to celebrate victories that occur in the workplace as often as possible.

In short, celebrating wins is the best way to boost morale and should be done every time. Taking the time to give employees the credit they deserve will increase motivation, increase psychological safety, and create a sense of belonging or community. Here are some reasons that can explain the functions and advantages if you celebrate small wins or small wins at work.

  1. Growing Motivatino

Celebrating wins, both big and small, is a great way to motivate employees. As humans, we often focus too much on negative things. No matter how much good news or results occur in one day, negative things are always present in the minds of people. Celebrating small wins can increase positive thoughts and feelings and can eliminate negativity in the work environment. In addition, managers who harness the power of progress by celebrating small wins prove far more successful.

  1. Make Employee Feels Appreciated

Retention continues to get more and more difficult for many reasons. Quiet quitting is disrupting the workforce, and many skilled workers are starting to embrace the gig economy in search of more flexibility and freedom.

As a result, making employees feel valued is more important than ever. Employees who feel heard, understood, and valued are far more likely to collaborate, fulfill company goals, and stay in roles opposite their belittled counterparts.

When employees accomplish tasks, achieve unmet benchmarks, or simply live by company values, it's important to recognize their accomplishments. When your teammates or employees feel their contributions are valued and valued, they will be more likely to keep up the good work and a ripple effect will be created throughout the organization.

  1. Create a Psychologically-Safe Work Environment

A psychologically safe work environment refers to an environment in which employees feel comfortable contributing and speaking their truth. Employees who feel psychologically safe also feel supported, valued and understood. They're not afraid of not being able to speak up, and they're not worried about having any consequences for being who they are.

Celebrating small wins is so important because this type of environment fosters psychological security. Without psychological safety, employees will not feel driven and less likely to take risks or think outside the box.

  1. Improve Employee's Confidence

Confident employees radiate optimism and embrace adversity with open arms. They are more willing to go above and beyond and are more inclined to collaborate with others.

Employees who feel confident at work are also happier and better able to solve problems and communicate effectively with their coworkers. Confidence at work leads to happier and healthier employees personally and professionally.

How To Celebrate Small Wins

Here are some ways you can celebrate small wins.

  1. Set SMART Goals

Setting SMART goals will set your team up for success because you will have specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals. Setting these goals ensures your teammates have direction so everyone can work together to achieve organizational goals which can then be celebrated.

  1. Track Your Progress

Tracking the progress of your team members' goals means you'll always be equipped to celebrate when the need arises. There are several tools that can make tracking the progress of your teammates' goals easier than ever by allowing users to track and act on goals.

One of them is a Fellow. With Fellow, you can easily create new Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), track progress, and update key contributors. Each team member has the ability to create their own public or private OKR or create team-wide goals.

  1. Have Flexible Deadlines

Tight deadlines are less desirable because they discourage employees from investing the time and effort necessary to do a good job. Having flexible deadlines demonstrates good time management with maximum effort without fear of repercussions. Flexible deadlines allow more to get done, meaning you and your teammates can still celebrate completions or results even if they're a day or two late.

  1. Divide Big Goals into Small Goals

Big goals or targets can seem daunting or even a little hard to achieve. Breaking your team's big goals down into smaller, more achievable goals means you'll be able to celebrate them more often.

Smaller, easier-to-manage goals not only get you to compliment your employees more often, but also help your employees stay motivated and engaged as they work towards the bigger goals.

  1. Pamper Yourself and Your Team

Reward yourself and your team. Treating your team to lunch or dinner is the best way to celebrate everyone's success. Treating your team will help them understand that their contributions matter while making them feel valued.

  1. Create a Project Timeline and Specific Milestone

Project timelines and deadlines help everyone determine what they need to do and when they need to do it. When building a timeline project like this one, it's important to consider the limitations that apply while ensuring that you've allowed a reasonable amount of time to complete each task.

Collaborating with your teammates when creating a timeline will ensure everyone is well-informed and ready to take on more work. This timeline and milestones will act as benchmarks against which to measure success so that you and your teammates can follow the principle of progress and celebrate small wins as the project progresses.

Celebrating small wins will increase motivation, make employees feel valued, create a psychologically safe environment, and increase employee confidence. With positive things that happen in the work environment, it will later bring the development and success of your business to a good and big direction.

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